Rayzig – Opportunities

Getting involved


Rayzig has evolved over the last 14 years, and has been developed through skill and expertise of a small group of retired people. As time is passing, and the world is changing, it is time to get others involved. This could be through :

Techical Partnering

Rayzig is made up of a number of elements, any of which would benefit from specialist knowledge / direct involvement in :

  • Microprocessor and RF design and programming using Atmel Micro-processors.
  • Enclosure design – for various modules – providing suitable, safe, certifiable products.
  • Packaging Design – this could only be done after any Enclosure Designs are complete.
  • Compliance Testing – to ensure product meets market standards
  • Marketing – Product placement and appropriate interest / Sales & eSales lead generation / Marketing / eMarketing

It would be anticipated that involvement in these areas would be seen as an investment in the project, and until the project is marketed no returns would be realised.

Full Sale of Project

This is the most radical of moves, but is certainly possible. It would not be a give away, but it would allow involvment without the need for years of R&D. It would be proposed that any sale would also provide limited support to develop the needed inhouse skills.

Skill sets involved in the Rayzig Project :

Many of the skills involved in the project have been acquired over a number of years, and it is assumed that a level of skill exists.

The software in use within the Rayzig project include :

  • Delphi 6 – for PC Raymon Application including Raize Components
  • Atmel microprocessor programming using C – Rayzig Modules
  • HTML / JS / XML for WebServer (MS Web Expressions 4)