Picture taken by : Verne Ho

Now if I could only remember whether I turned the lights out !!!!!


Using Rayzig’s Webserver you can check the status of your
lights and control them as well


Rayzig provides a system to allow versatile control of existing electrical resources at a user level. There may be many systems for the home, with new standards being developed and will take time come on line. Rayzig meets a growing need for commercial and industrial users, providing a modern flexible solution – Rayzig is here, NOW.

Rayzig is aimed at the light commercial / industrial sectors, allowing flexible control at appropriate levels. It provides single and multiple site operations, as well as multi-occupancy locations, or for Utility companies – a simple control mechanism with its clients to meet energy saving profiles that may be needed.

Find out more by checking out our Website – using the menu items at the top of the page, or the links highlighted below, or make contact to discuss your needs in more detail.